There was a time when news of the death of someone, even of note, traveled slowly. In smaller towns, obituaries and death notices were often posted in the window of a local business. Newspapers were local and it could take days, weeks, or even longer for news of a death to reach longer distances. Today, that is not the case.
News of a death can travel almost instantly through digital communications and social media. In fact, social media has created its own need for guidelines on handling how the sensitive news of a death travels. Here are some tips for using social media to announce the death of a loved one.
Ensure Close Family Is Personally Notified First
It is critical that immediate family members be notified first in the event of the death of a family member. Allow enough time for the next of kin to process the death before the info is posted on social media.
Consider The Deceased’s Presence on Social Media
If they were active on social media, a post on each of their social media accounts may be appropriate once next of kin have been notified. These posts can be linked to an obituary or convey the wishes of the family for donations.
Assign Someone to Manage Social Media Accounts
You will likely want to assign someone to manage the social media accounts of the deceased, using available passwords or contacting the various social media companies. These accounts can be used to promote a non-profit cause supported by the deceased, share funeral details, and announce the formation of a foundation or annual observance to recognize the deceased.
Where once, slow traveling news was a challenge in notifying family and friends of the death of a loved one, an ill-advised post that occurs too quickly can surprise family members before they can be personally notified. Family members and friends will also likely want full final arrangements details quicker. It is important that immediate family members know what they should and should not immediately share.
At Fares J. Funeral Homes and Crematory, our history reaches back to when horses and buggies were a part of funeral processions. Since then, we have seen funerals progress through the automotive era, a time when telephones became common and newspapers posted obituaries weekly or daily. We have seen the popularity of cremations and celebrations of life increase and the advent of digital obituaries online. We now face the impact of how social media and even streaming final services are changing our profession.
When you are in need, choose experience. In Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, you can count on the Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory.
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