Most of us have seen the immediate toll grief can have on a person following the death of a loved one.
There will likely be tears, sadness, and even anger. There could be signs of withdrawal, isolation, and even depression. While these are understandable and even accepted to some degree, we may not grasp the physical toll that a grieving person may be experiencing. In fact, they themselves may not understand the physical impact grief can have.
Effects of Grief on the Body
Research has repeatedly shown that the impacts of grief extend far beyond the mental and emotional states. The strain from grief can cause cardiovascular issues and premature death. This is partly why it is a good idea to ensure those closest to the deceased have company to keep an eye on them. Sure, emotional support is encouraged by monitoring the physical effects and should not be overlooked.
Effects on the Immune System
Grieving also compromises the immune system. This can make the person more susceptible to otherwise normal ailments like colds and the flu. Those supporting a grieving person should be aware that if the person already has aches and pains in the joints, those could worsen under the stress of grief.
Even when inflammation wasn’t an issue previously, it could manifest itself through the intense grieving period.
Powerful Changes in Mood
It is not unusual for those in grief to experience wide mood swings. This can be particularly evident if the person has already been prone to anxiety or depression. The energy expended in these wide mood swings can take its toll, resulting in tiredness and exhaustion.
Fluctuations in Daily Routines and Activities
After losing a loved one, some routines may change forever. Simple things, like what the grieving person shops for at the grocery store or watches on television, may be altered. All of these minor fluctuations can add up and have a physical impact.
Weight Changes
It would not be uncommon for a grieving person to lose, or even gain weight suddenly. This can be a physical result of how they are dealing with their grief.
While these weight changes can be common and not something to be overly concerned about, excessive weight gain or loss should be addressed when it becomes unhealthy.
Compromised Sleep
Even in our daily lives, sleep is a critical component of our health and wellness. When sleep is compromised for a grieving person, its impacts are multiplied.
Many grieving individuals comment that “nights are the worst.” This is when they are most likely to think about their lost loved one, other family members, and close friends. These sleepless nights can result in fatigue and a compromised immune system. There can be a lack of focus, and it can also impair one’s ability to function clearly.
Stress and Tension
Grief has been shown to physically impact a person’s stress level. Higher production of cortisol, a stress hormone, has been shown to cause chest pains.
Broken heart syndrome can manifest itself in a grieving person experiencing severe emotional stress. Heart attacks or atrial fibrillation may occur in extreme cases.
Grieving Is Normal
Of course, with all this being said, grieving is a normal process. It is just when they appear to have abnormal or long-lasting effects there should be increased concern. It is critical for a grieving person to make an attempt at a proper diet and get rest. There are also resources for support.
When a person is grieving, a genuine hug or sincere glance can go a long way. Emotional healing is a difficult road. Be cautious of the physical toll it can take.
At Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory, we have made it our life’s work to look out for grieving families in the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area. In preplanning or in time of need, we would consider it an honor to serve you and yours.
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