There was a time when people wouldn’t learn of the passing of a relative or friend until long after a burial. Communications improved with the invention of the telegraph when messages could then be communicated long distances and then sent by a paper transcription delivered to an individual. Of course, the telephone made a significant difference when the news of a passing could immediately be spread. Even with the telephone, however, news was still being communicated person to person. It was done by one individual with a connection to the deceased to another. There was a certain control of information that would accelerate once an obituary was published in the local newspapers. Today, both phone calls and obituaries still play a huge part in spreading the word when someone passes. The phone calls, however, are mostly placed on cell phones and more and more obituaries are being read online. There is also another significant factor that is changing how people learn of deaths. That is through social media.
Social Media and News of a Passing
Social media is at once a tremendous way for us to communicate with friends and family, while at the same time, it is an uncontrollable source of information. This can be problematic in situations where the family wants to let close friends and relatives learn about a death through a more personal initial form of contact. If it is important for you to control the timing of information about the death of a loved-one, it is best to let those in your inner circle know of your wishes quickly and request social media silence. That can be flawed in that they may not communicate your wishes to those they talk to effectively.
One of the accepted ways to handle announcing a death on social media is to allow a family spokesperson do it and in that posting, refer readers to the funeral home website for service details as they are released. This allows for a well-managed release of information, affords people an opportunity to express condolences, and it minimizes the family’s personal role in communicating funeral service information to everyone who may be interested. The funeral home takes responsibility for getting the information not only to the traditional newspaper outlets but in getting it posted online.
Funerals in an Ever-Changing World
Funerals in America have always been in a constant state of change. At Fares J. Radel, we have a history that spans over a century through these changes. From being one of the first funeral homes in the country to use automobiles in funeral services to embracing the growing popularity of cremations, we are here every step of the way. If you are concerned about how to handle social media and the death of a loved one, contact us immediately. Our experts can help advise you on how to best manage the flow of information for your situation. We are here to assist you every step of the way.
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