Morris Edmund Harkes, “Morrie”, as he was called by his family and friends, passed away peacefully at the age of 92 on Friday, March 28, 2014. He was a dearly loved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, uncle and friend.
Morris was born April 14, 1921 in Coal Bluff, Indiana to parents William and Phoebe (Bretell) Harkes. He was the youngest of 8 children, 4 sisters and 4 brothers.
Morris met his beloved wife, Ada Marie (Harbrueger) in the 5th grade and they became sweethearts in their junior year of high school. As seniors they played the lead romantic roles in their class play. They jokingly said they had already been practicing for a year, hence, they deserved the parts. He was also a gifted athlete and captain of the basketball team. He graduated from Fontanet High School in 1939. On December 8, 1940, Morris and Ada were married. Seventy-three years later they were still very much in love.
After graduation, Morris was hired by S.S. Kresge Company in Richmond, Indiana and began his career in retail, which was interrupted by WWII. He served four years of active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps. He spent more than two years in the South Pacific, including the islands of Guadalcanal and Bougainville. He was most proud to have the opportunity to serve with flying ace Greg “Pappy” Boyington. After his service ended he used his G.I. Bill money to earn his pilot’s license.
Upon being discharged from the Marines, Morris moved his family to Dayton, Ohio where he resumed his career in retail with S.S. Kresge. HIs career took he and his family to many areas of the country working not only for Kresge, but also Ben Franklin, and True Value Hardware. He retired in Baltimore, Maryland at the age of 70. After a long successful career, he did not let retirement slow him down.
Being active was important to Morris. His family knew that they could always find him doing something that interested him. He didn’t believe in wasting a minute of his time in life. Several activities learned in his youth became life long interests. He and Ada learned to dance in the seventh grade and play bridge in high school. These activities were something they enjoyed together for many years. He also loved fishing and often family vacations revolved around the sport.
As a young man he developed a passion for golf and was an avid golfer for most of his life. He passed his love for the sport down to his family members and enjoyed many outings with them over the years. He was still on the golf course at the age of 90.
Morris took up basket making and carving wooden flowers after retirement. He and Ada did craft shows in Bel Air, Maryland. He was quite the showman and could always attract a crowd carving flowers. His family treasures his baskets.
At the age of 80, Morris and Ada left Maryland and went home to their roots in Terre Haute, Indiana. They enjoyed almost 12 more years of retirement playing golf, bridge and traveling to the southwest on vacations. They loved country music and became regulars at the Boot City Opry in Terre Haute, rarely missing a Saturday night performance. In 2013 they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio to be near the largest portion of their immediate family.
As a person Morris understood the importance of living a good life. He had a great gift for drawing people in with his big easy-going smile, joyous laugh and welcoming voice. He was a conversationalist with a knack for sharing his bits of life’s wisdom in a way that stuck with those who were truly listening. Most importantly, Morris lived with an open heart and had great love for his family. He never missed an opportunity for big hug and an “I love you”.
Morris passed away just seventeen days before his ninety-third birthday.
He is survived by his wife of 73 years, Ada Marie (Harbrueger) Harkes, his daughters: Betsy (Harkes) Terrill, and Christine (Harkes) Barberry, grandchildren: Douglas Terrill, Kathleen (Terrill) Baldasare, and Daniel Foster and great grandchildren: Clayton Terrill, Merea Terrill and Phoebe Baldasare.
There will be no funeral. The family will have a private tribute later this spring.
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