Connie Kay Mulroney (nee Stahl), 77 passed away on December 8, 2023 after several months battle with brain cancer. She is survived by her husband Charles, a brother Donald Stahl of Parkville, Maryland and many nieces and nephews. Growing up on a farm in Gallatin County, where her family raised hogs, sheep, chickens and dairy cattle, gave Connie a fondness for pork, but not mutton or lamb chops. Over the years, Connie has maintained contact with many wonderful people; classmates from Gallatin County and Morehead, as well as, co-workers in such varied employment at a women’s prison, teaching remedial math and Proctor and Gamble. They to will miss her. Memorials, if one chooses, to Delhi Senior Center for all the terrific times Connie and Charley had dancing there. Fares J. Radel Funeral Home, Newport serving the family.

Sally Marksberry says
December 12, 2023 at 2:11 amMy condolence to whole family. Connie was my cousin,on my dad side,my grand mother was Sallie Allphin Sthal,her parents live on Hance Gallatin County,the two story brick still there,,Connie was 7 years older me ..but remember her well ,,she had great patents my Aunt Flossie and Uncle Dude sad,pray for husband,rest of famil
Memorials, if one chooses, to Delhi Senior Center