Perhaps nothing is more physically permanent in this world than a headstone. Previously known as a grave marker or a gravestone, they serve to identify the final resting place of the remains of the deceased. A trip through any of your local cemeteries will demonstrate just how wide and varied gravestones have been in the past, ranging from elaborate monuments to simple markers. There’s more to selecting a headstone for a loved one than you may initially consider.
Will The Grave be Visited Frequently?
Some families believe in visiting gravesites on birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Some are visited weekly. Other families don’t believe in spending a lot of time at a gravesite. This is not necessarily a level of caring or not caring, but more of personal choice. The reality is, however, how often the grave may be visited could impact your selection.
Know the Rules of the Chosen Cemetery
Each cemetery will have its own rules and guidelines when it comes to headstones. This may be a reflection of their desire to keep maintenance and landscaping costs at a minimum. It may be based on the topography of the site or even their desire for uniformity. Before making any selection, make sure the headstone will conform to the rules of the cemetery you have chosen.
Set a Budget
Headstones today can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Costs will vary based on size, materials, amount of engraving and customization, and other features. Like any costs involved in final arrangements, it is important to set a budget and do your best to stay within that budget. These decisions can be emotional and lead to over-spending.
Choose the Headstone Style, Size, and Material
The basics of a headstone start with the materials it is made of and its overall size. There may be size restrictions based on your chosen cemetery. Marble, slate, and granite are the most popular choices for headstone materials.
Select Custom Elements
Today’s headstones can include much more than just names and dates. You can choose an epitaph, image of the deceased, flowers, or religious symbols. Make sure anything that is to be engraved into the stone is carefully decided and written out, and the content is proofread before engraving begins.
Choice of Font
The choice of font or typeface used can have a dramatic impact on the readability and final appearance of a headstone. Carefully choose a font and make sure you are comfortable that it will be easily read.
Funeral directors and cemeteries may have recommendations for headstone suppliers and these suggestions can have value. You still, however, can choose any monument company as long as they can meet the rules of the cemetery.
At Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory, we have been serving families in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky for generations. We understand that decisions regarding funerals, cremations, and final services may be rare. Our professionals are here to help. There is no need to feel lost in your choices and decisions following the death of a loved one. You can count on our family to help yours.
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