At Fares J. Radel, we understand what a difficult time it is for family and friends when a loved one passes. This is too much for any person to handle alone. We want to provide sources that can support and help you navigate through your feelings of grief. The following are organizations that have the tools and experience to comfort you during this difficult period:

For information on Area Support Groups, talk to our staff by calling 513-231-2000 or 859-261-8560.
The Compassionate Friends, Cincinnati Chapter
A national, mutual assistance, self-help organization offering friendship and understanding to bereaved parents, grandparents and adult siblings.
Meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm at St. Timothy Episcopal Church, 8101 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45255. Contact: Carol Terbrueggen (513) 271-6809
Fernside, Center For Grieving Children
A place of comfort and support for children and teens, ages 3-18, and their families who have had a significant death in the family. Fernside offers a variety of support groups for children, parents and guardians. Families may register for the program by attending an orientation meeting prior to participating.
Grief Support Group
For those who have lost a friend or loved one, sponsored by Hospice of Cincinnati at the Goldstein Family Grief Center, 4360 Cooper Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45242. For dates, times and meeting locations of both general and specialized groups, please call (513) 891-7700.
Stars For Adults
A 6 week grief group series for adults who have experienced the death of a spouse, parent, sibling or friend. Meets on Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm, at Atria Summit Hills Senior Living facility in Crestview Hills, KY. Registration required. Contact: James Ellis (859) 301-4611 or james.ellis@stelizabeth.com.
Companions on a Journey Grief Support: New Beginnings Widowed Group
This group is designed to help widowed persons in the initial stages of grief. This group meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00-9:00pm at Wesleyan University, 9286 Schultz Dr., West Chester, OH 45069. For more information call Companions on a Journey Grief Support (513) 870-9108.
Survivors of Suicide
A peerled support group for people who have lost a loved one to suicide. Meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm at the Centennial Barn at St. Claire Center, 100 Compton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215. For more information, call Anita McKinney (513) 923-4375 or Bob Hasley (513) 793-7385.
Gus Radel, The Grief Therapy Dog
Gus was born September 25, 2015 in Crittenden, Kentucky. He was adopted by the Radel family when he was 7 weeks old and moved to the Cincinnati area. He is an AKC registered German Shepard. Gus began his training to be a therapy dog at 4 months old with American Success-Dog Training Academy. He graduated from training in January 2017 and is a certified service dog/grief therapy dog. Gus is a caring and affectionate addition to Fares J. Radel Funeral Home’s staff. He enjoys coming in to work and greeting those who need his comfort most. When Gus is not at work, he loves to play with his sister, Charlie the Beagle, playing fetch and going on vacation to Michigan with his family. He also loves to visit with sick children and visit people in nursing homes and hospice. Gus is available to meet with families and attend funeral services at your request.