Throughout the centuries and all over the world, death has most frequently been followed with some sort of ritual or final service. These ceremonies may take place over the space of a few days or weeks. Many are deeply rooted in religious beliefs and many have changed throughout the years. While they may differ based on geography and religion, final services all have a purpose. Beyond seeing to it that final remains are properly taken care of, final services have an impact on how people adjust to death and move through the grieving process.
As time has passed, there has been a tendency to create simpler, more fast-paced final services. There are some concerns that the healing component of final services may become lost. This doesn’t mean that funerals need to be expensive or be deeply religious. They should, however, be planned thoughtfully to be meaningful for those grieving and attending.
Author and educator Dr. Alan Wolfelt says there are six basic needs that a funeral helps to fill. It is helpful to keep these in mind when planning a meaningful final ceremony.
Acknowledging the death. Planning or attending a funeral forces us to accept the reality of death.
Moving through the pain. Funeral services help us face the pain of grief, which in turn, many believe helps us move through it.
Remembering the deceased. There are good reasons people are eulogized at funerals and photos and memories are shared. It is because our relationship has changed with the deceased, from a physical one to one based on memories. Well-planned funeral ceremonies help us with this transition.
Accepting our new role. The death of a close friend or family member changes our role. These changes may be subtle, or in the case of the loss of a spouse, very dramatic. Final ceremonies help us transition into this new role.
Exploring the meaning of life. A funeral service helps us face our own mortality and for some, helps build their religious beliefs.
Receiving and sharing support. Funerals serve an important social role in the sharing of grief. It allows those attending to show their support of those suffering most and to share in our own feelings of loss.
At Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory, we help create meaningful final services that are respectful and healing. We have personally seen families move through the grieving process and have seen how a well-planned ceremony helps through very difficult times.
We understand ceremonies don’t have to be expensive or solemn to be meaningful. We can help you create an appropriate service that fits your desires and your budget. In your time of need, we invite your family to reach out to our Family and Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory, serving Northern Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati area.
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