Why Do We Grieve?
The death of someone close to us can lead us down a path of asking some deep and profound questions. Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Why do I need to go through this? When it comes to grief, what is it and why do we…...
How to Be a More Empathetic Person
Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It is what allows us to share in the grief of another person, even if we didn’t personally know the deceased. Some people seem to be extremely empathetic, connecting with others on a deeply, almost profound…...
Best Practices to Take Care of Yourself During Grief
There are plenty of resources to describe grief and how best to deal with it. The fact is, while the stages of grief may be similar, how we as individuals experience them, are far different. Do you know what’s great about that? It makes our journeys not only unique, but…...
Popular Types of Virtual Support Groups
If you or someone you know can benefit from joining a grief support group, you shouldn’t let social distancing concerns stop you. There are a variety of virtual support group options that can provide the companionship, understanding and empathy you need during a difficult time. In fact, some have found…...
When Is it Okay to Move On from the Death of a Loved One?
It is a question we may ask ourselves when alone, in the privacy of our own homes. We may seek the advice of close friends, family or other loved ones. Following the death of someone close to us, “When is it okay to move on?” The Five Stages of Grief…...
Why a Grief Support Group May Help You
It is frequently said every individual grieves in their own way. We are, after all, unique and we have unique relationships with those around us. We react to loss and death differently. That is not to say grief is SO unique that it can’t be shared. In fact, grief support…...
Staff Member Spotlight: Gus the Grief Therapy Dog
As part of our continuing efforts to introduce you to our staff of caring professionals, we will occasionally feature a Staff Member Spotlight, highlighting one of our team members. Here, we would like to introduce you to Gus. Gus is one of the newest members of the Radel family and…...
Tips to Finding the Best Grief Counselor for You
Many who go through the grieving process try to power through it alone. This is seldom the best answer. It is one of the reasons a well-planned final service can be so valuable. It lets us know there are those who care about us and who share in our loss.…...
How Service Dogs Benefit Those Suffering Grief and Loss
Therapy and service dogs have become more a part of our everyday lives. They can be seen in retail stores, on airplanes and even in some restaurants. Therapy and service dogs often provide a calming effect and it is one of the reasons more funeral homes are making them more…...
What You Should Consider Before Joining a Grief Support Group
Many grieving individuals, especially those deeply struggling with the death of a loved one, may seek out the assistance of a Grief Support Group. Today’s grief support groups can be found in local communities, and they may even be found online. Grief support groups can be invaluable to some and…...