7 Tips for Talking About Death with Your Family
There are more ways to communicate with family members than ever. There are smartphones, texts, emails, voicemails, social media, and more. In spite of these vehicles and platforms, many families still have difficulty when it comes to discussing death. Intellectually, we may understand the importance of talking about death, but…...
Valentine’s Day as a Widow: 7 Ways To Cope
Whether you have recently suffered the loss of a spouse or have been a widow for years, seasons can be dotted with peaks and valleys of grief. One of those holidays could be Valentine’s Day. If you are a widow or widower, here are seven ways you can better deal…...
How to Manage Grief in the Workplace
Throughout recent decades, the American workplace has become more understanding about addressing a variety of issues at work. Many employers have addressed family leave issues, harassment in the workplace, and even how we deal with social distancing and pandemics. Where many have lacked is fully understanding, appreciating, and dealing with…...
The Impact of Grief on Physical Health
Most of us have seen the immediate toll grief can have on a person following the death of a loved one. There will likely be tears, sadness, and even anger. There could be signs of withdrawal, isolation, and even depression. While these are understandable and even accepted to some degree,…...
10 Ways To Help Grieving Family and Friends
When someone passes who is close to someone we know, it can cause a bit of amnesia for us. We can forget how to act, what to say, and how to be supportive. Most feel awkward and unsure of what to do. It can make us feel uncomfortable. It is…...
Helping a Child with the Loss of a Parent
One of the most difficult and heart-wrenching tasks an adult can do is help a child through the loss of a parent. There are a lot of variables to consider. You should consider their age and their level of maturity. One also has to factor in how the parent passed…...
How to Grieve the Loss of a Pet Well
Grieving the loss of a pet can be as difficult as dealing with a death of a friend or relative. That’s understandable considering, for many, our pets are part of our family. Our pets are often our confidants, exercise partners, and snuggle buddies. They are loyal, they trust us, and…...
Is There a Rulebook for Grief and Grieving?
While it is generally accepted that everyone grieves in their way, it has also been accepted that there are certain rules, stages, or steps in the grieving process. More people, however, are questioning these steps and if they apply to all people at all times. Here is a look at…...
6 Practical Tips for Assisting Grieving Children
It has been said that everyone grieves differently. When you bring children into the process, it can be even more complex. Many children are already sensitive and are at various levels of their ability to understand. They may be limited in their abilities to express their grief. As a caring…...
How to Support a Grieving Friend
When a friend loses a loved one, it can put us in a bit of an awkward position. Depending on the relationship, we may consider ourselves family, and they may consider us similarly, which means we could feel their pain deeply. The best thing friends can do is to be…...