In the past, we’ve addressed grief and the myriad of ways to cope with it. There are in-person and virtual support groups, counseling, grief support pets, and simple conversations with friends. There is another coping mechanism that is gaining popularity when processing grief. It is journaling.
Journaling for grief can look like keeping a written log of your feelings, moods, and emotions following the death of a loved one, and many are finding it to be truly valuable.
When journaling as a method to cope with grief, it is important to be open and honest about your emotions. In fact, this is one of the reasons it is believed to be so effective. Those who may find it difficult to share their feelings or express emotions verbally may find relief in journaling.
Other than being open and honest when writing, there are a few rules for journaling. Simply get a blank notebook or purchase a blank journal at a local bookstore. You don’t even have to write in it every day. Enter your thoughts as you feel necessary.
Journaling can reduce stress and give you a fresh perspective on your grief. Knowing that your journal is private can be liberating.
Journaling is not so much about writing as it is about expressing yourself. Don’t concern yourself as much with grammar or spelling, but rather getting your raw feelings down while you are feeling them. Remember, your grief journal is personal and private.
As time passes, you may find your grief subsiding. You may see your perspective changing and becoming more rational. You may find that the pages of your journal absorb the grief.
At Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory, we’ve been helping families in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky work through the grieving process for generations. It is always different and rarely easy. If you are grieving and perhaps are reluctant to use counseling or join a support group, keeping a journal may be an excellent alternative.
If you and your family don’t have a funeral home in the area, we would be honored to serve you. Whether for preplanning or when in immediate need, our caring professionals are here to help. Reach out to us at Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory.
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