7 Tips for Talking About Death with Your Family
There are more ways to communicate with family members than ever. There are smartphones, texts, emails, voicemails, social media, and more. In spite of these vehicles and platforms, many families still have difficulty when it comes to discussing death. Intellectually, we may understand the importance of talking about death, but…...
Valentine’s Day as a Widow: 7 Ways To Cope
Whether you have recently suffered the loss of a spouse or have been a widow for years, seasons can be dotted with peaks and valleys of grief. One of those holidays could be Valentine’s Day. If you are a widow or widower, here are seven ways you can better deal…...
Pet Cremations: The Benefits of Honoring Fury Friends
We all have unique relationships with our pets. The common denominator is usually mutual affection and reliance for support. We house, feed, and care for our pets and they, in turn, provide company and friendship. In between, there are walks, car rides, treats, and quiet moments on the couch. The…...
Finding the Right Memorial Products
A seemingly small but important part of any funeral, memorial, or final service is the memorial products. Memorial products are the items that serve as a reminder and tribute to the departed, usually customized in some way to reflect their personality and lifestyle and will serve as a lasting tribute…...
The Power of Music in Funeral Arrangements
Music is one of the most powerful tools available to tap into memories and emotions. Music can transport us back in time and can be the soundtrack to connect us to feelings and passions. Music can make scary movies more frightening, funny movies more humorous, and provide the background for…...
What You Need to Know About Green Burials and Conservation Burials
The funeral industry has evolved significantly over recent decades. We have seen a growth in the popularity of celebrations of life; services have become more unique and customized, and overall, services are a bit less somber. Families are discovering how comforting and sincere these final services can be. Every step…...
Understanding VA Benefits with Veteran Burials
There can be a long list of “to-do’s” when planning a funeral for a family member. If the deceased served in the military, that list should include investigating and applying for veteran’s death and burial benefits. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a number of benefits for…...
How to Manage Grief in the Workplace
Throughout recent decades, the American workplace has become more understanding about addressing a variety of issues at work. Many employers have addressed family leave issues, harassment in the workplace, and even how we deal with social distancing and pandemics. Where many have lacked is fully understanding, appreciating, and dealing with…...
Funeral Arrangements: Steps You Need To Take
Taking on the funeral arrangements for a family member or close friend is both an honor and a big responsibility. Let’s take you step by step through the process and what can be expected. You’ll learn some of the steps you will need to take and the decisions to be…...
Choosing Cremation Over Traditional Burial
One of the first decisions someone pre-planning their own final services or a family making arrangements for a loved one has to make is the big choice between cremation or a traditional burial. Each of these choices has its benefits and drawbacks. Each also has a fair share of misperceptions.…...