At Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory, we are proud of our long legacy of assisting families in Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati through some of the most difficult periods of their lives. We are also pleased to have been a part of many of the progressive advancements in the funeral industry throughout the years, including the addition of motorized vehicles in final services. We’ve seen the acceptance and growth of the cremation industry, helped introduced in-home consultations, and more recently, welcomed Gus the Therapy Dog into our family.
Why has Gus been such an important addition to our team and how do therapy dogs, in general, help those attending a funeral? How do they impact the mood at services and why should you consider including Gus as part of any final services you may be planning?
Therapy Dogs and Their Impact
Therapy dogs can have a particularly positive impact on children attending a funeral. They embrace therapy dogs like Gus and he helps them feel more at ease. A therapy dog is often an outlet for children who may not otherwise be comfortable expressing their feelings or know exactly how to act at a funeral service. But therapy dogs can have an equally positive effect on adults who may struggle with how to express their sorry or interact at final services. A therapy dog gives “permission” for people to be more like themselves in these difficult situations.
Therapy Dogs Improve our Mood
It has been shown that therapy dogs increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain of humans which can improve moods. For those who have lost a loved one, this can be invaluable. Dogs in general and therapy dogs, in particular, can help relieve the anxiety and confusion often surrounding death and their appearance in a room is often palpable. It is why more and more funeral homes are adding therapy dogs to their “team”.
About Gus, the Therapy Dog at Fares J. Radel Funeral Homes and Crematory
Gus was born September 25, 2015, in Crittenden, Kentucky, and adopted by the Radel family at 7 weeks old. Gus is an AKC registered German Shepherd and began his training to become a therapy dog at 4 months old with the American Success-Dog Training Academy. He graduated from training in January 2017 and is a certified service dog/grief therapy dog. Gus is a caring and affectionate addition to the Fares J. Radel Funeral Home staff. When not working, Gus loves to play with his sister, Charlie the Beagle, playing fetch and going on vacation to Michigan with his family. He also loves to visit with sick children and visit people in nursing homes and hospice in the Cincinnati area. Gus is available to meet with families and attend funeral services at your request.
If you would like to learn more about Gus and how he can positively impact final services you may be planning, please feel free to contact us. Gus is another way we continue to comfort the families of which we serve.
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